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Best Future ESDM Programs

We always endeavour to assist as many children as possible and are constantly working to improve our service capacity.

We aim to offer three ESDM therapy programs for autism from 1 January 2021. Please enquire and secure placement now.


1. Intensive Full Program at our Kew East Centre

This program provides children with intensive one-on-one ESDM therapy for 17 to 23 hours per week. 


2. Intensive Home and Kinder Program


This program also provides a full program with ESDM trained therapists attending the child's home, childcare or school to provide therapy and assist with integration and generalising skills gained through the program. We are currently able to provide up to 6 equivalent full time placements in our School and Home Program.


3. Casual Appointments


We provide casual or regular but part-time programs depending on availability at our Kew East Centre.


We also apply ABA as and when needed to assist the core ESDM programs. We also provide speech therapy, occupational therapy and child psychology services. Our qualified speech therapists, occupational therapists and child psychologist specialise in the treatment of young children.

Kinder and School Readiness Program

As part of our centre based program in Kew, we provide Australia's first ESDM program incorporating a simulated kinder outdoor environment with sandpits, veggie patches, playground equipment and outdoor play area. Children on the spectrum often have difficulty transitioning from one activity to another. This environment is specifically designed to help children become accustomed with transitioning from one activity to another and between indoor and outdoor activities individually and as a group.


Whilst our focus is on delivering one-on-one intensive ESDM programs, the incorporation of designed both indoor and outdoor group activities allow for practical implementation, reinforcement and generalisation of communication, social and self-regulation skills gained through ESDM.  


We are constantly improving our centre. Please feel free to request a tour.

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